S-equol is a molecule structurally similar to estrogen

S-equol mimics some of the actions of estrogen by preferentially binding to estrogen receptor beta.1
Estrogen HO HO HO O HO equol S-

S-equol has not been shown to affect endometrial health

S-equol has a 13-fold binding affinity for ER-β over ER-α, a receptor unassociated with endometrial risk1
Unlike ER-α, ER-β is rarely expressed in endometrial tissues, including:
  • Mammary gland
  • Ovarian theca cells
  • The uterus
S-equol has not been shown to stimulate breast tumor growth, increase breast density, or negatively affect endometrial health.2-5
S-equol: 13-FOLD BINDING AFFINITY FOR 13-Fold binding affinity for ER-B

See how Equelle works


S-equol mimics some of the actions of estrogen by preferentially binding to estrogen receptor beta.1

S-equol has not been shown to affect endometrial health

S-equol has a 13-fold binding affinity for ER-β over ER-α, a receptor unassociated with endometrial risk1
S-equol: 13-FOLD BINDING AFFINITY FOR 13-Fold binding affinity for ER-B
Unlike ER-α, ER-β is rarely expressed in endometrial tissues, including:
  • Mammary gland
  • Ovarian theca cells
  • The uterus
S-equol has not been shown to stimulate breast tumor growth, increase breast density, or negatively affect endometrial health.2-5

See how Equelle works


What is S-equol?

S-equol is a natural metabolite of the soy isoflavone daidzein

S-equol is created within the large intestine by metabolizing soy isoflavones using specific bacteria.6
However, not all people can produce S-equol. Based on genetics, intestinal microflora, environment, and diet, less than 30% of Americans can produce S-equol.6
EQUELLE Hot Flash Relief tablets
EQUELLE is taken orally as two pills twice daily for 10 mg S-equol per day.

How is S-equol naturally derived?

  • The patented fermentation process of EQUELLE converts 95% of the soy isoflavone daidzein into S-equol7
  • The ingredient then undergoes heat sterilization to deactivate any remaining bacteria
  • This process ensures each tablet of EQUELLE has standardized, active dose of S-equol
EQUELLE Hot Flash Relief tablets
EQUELLE is taken orally as two pills twice daily for 10 mg S-equol per day.

Safety and Tolerability

A meta-analysis of 174 randomized controlled trials with 9,629 patients showed that phytoestrogens have a safe side effect profile 2

Rates of hormone-related side effects, such as endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial cancer, and breast cancer were consistently low and not significantly different between groups
In randomized controlled trials
NO modification to breast density3
NO changes in sex or thyroid hormone concentrations4
NO negative effects to endometrial health identified5
In randomized controlled trials
NO modification to breast density3

NO changes in sex or thyroid hormone concentrations4

NO negative effects to endometrial health identified5

Important Patient Information

Some reports of moderately elevated gastrointestinal effects, such as gas and bloating, were observed in women taking phytoestrogens.

EQUELLE is well researched across 3 clinical trials with over 350 patients

EQUELLE showed a significant reduction in hot flash frequency, and it was also shown to support sleep quality and vaginal health as well as alleviate mood swings8-10†

S-equol is backed by decades of research

See the research history behind EQUELLE and the primary active ingredient, S-equol.

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